Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Grymjack's Manifest Destiny into Tattooing

What makes someone want to become a tattoo artist? One would say it's a drive to do something counter-culture, some would say just to be able to do something "kewl", while others would say to get "chics/dudes".  My drive stands alone from these pursuits, and no I am not going to deny the benefits of the previous drives.  I see my pursuit into tattooing as a progression as an artist.  It is a Manifest Destiny of sorts, an expansion that is not only wise but that it is readily apparent (manifest) and inexorable (destiny). Grymjack's Manifest Destiny.

My goal as a tattoo artist is to be able to draw, paint, and use my gifts as a way to express both my feelings, and the feelings of the person who I tattoo.  I realize that not all tats have a deep meaning but that does not mean that the person in question does not want/deserve good workmanship.  I don't want to get into the industry to become rich, but it would be nice.  I just want to draw!  To create!

My readers, if your pursuit is pure then you will find your drive.  The road ahead is not an easy one as I am finding out, but my end goal moves me forward.  If your trying, like I am, to find someone to apprentice you then you will need that drive when your sitting in a tattoo shop like the odd man/woman out, trying to find a way to break the ice so you can get other people to open up and talk to you.  Spending your evening drawing "flash".   Drive, intent, forward progress....they will be my friends.


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